
Look at this fish

Seriously look at this fish


Lol, this

Hey I'm in Ottawa right now! OIAF just finished. I grew up in Ottawa, which means I feel triggered everywhere I go. I found these old comics, pretty cute.


16th annual Fantoche

Here I am at Fantoche!
Some observations
Swiss people don't wear sunglasses!
The only thing 24/7 here is a public sulfur bath!
Its a cute town, very clean. Everything reminds me of Annecy.
But Annecy feels way more diverse to be honest, I have hardly seen a single non German person for an International Animation festival. The theme this year is sexy. Mayo isn't sexy.
Mayo is egg.
But Egg is great.
Egg by Martina Scarpelli that is. So unapologetic and femanine, I loved it. Fierce.
Omg I saw this film called Wildebeest by Nicolas Keppens and Matthias Phlips, it was so funny me and my friend drew a bunch of comics inspired by it.
I really loved the animaiton of (Fool time) Job by Gilles Cuvelier
The animation of Bloeistraat 11 by Nieke Deutz was amazing
Watched The Shower an animation inspired by the (tragic) korean short story written by Hwang Sun-Won (cry)
Tonight I am going to see Mutafukaz which I am so excited for
I missed Your Name (fuck)
Tomorrow we are going on an excursion to Zurich! Very exciting.



So for the past few weeks I have been helping Ken Perlin and the amazing peeps at the NYU Future Reality labs with their animations in exchange for a flight to Siggraph (which Museum of Symmetry is going to be at!!)
Check out my cave paintings

A lot of time has passed

Here is a comic that I wrote in a 4 hour trance one day after getting off a train from Toronto to NYC. On the train I was reading "Master and Margarita" on a low dose of shrooms and a cheery boisterous train conductor came to check my ticket. He scanned it and it beeped "invalid" and he said that he had to check if the ticket was real and punched a hole into it with his pen. Then he dragged the pen around it and off the edge, and showed me that there was no hole and that everything checks out. He continued scanning everyone's trains tickets in a normal way.
Like, I literally thought that the train conductor was the devil and that I was on a train to the city of cats (because I read IQ84 right before this). 
So anyway, this is the comic I wanted to make..

Life Drawing of my friend

Hey I haven't posted in a while so how about I make multiple posts on this here Saturday night that I find myself trying to be "productive" at 2am. Thanks to my lovely friend Bee for posing for me <3 p="">